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Non-functional requirements

Support for multiple sessions

✅ Messaging features for both organizers and participants have to support multiple simultaneous connections created by one user. Chats and messages in all user sessions has to be synchronized.

Reconnection on internet outages

✅ System has to be ready for internet problems of its users. Disconnected users have to be able to browse already downloaded messages and automatically reconnect to the system.

High availability and scalability of chat storage

❌ Database storing chats and messages has to support high availability and scalability (not configured).

Data separation of organizers and participants

✅ Data collected about event participants cannot be physically placed together with organizers data.

JWT authentication

✅ Requests and connections from both organizers and participants have to be authenticated with JWT.

Material Design

✅ User interface has to use templates or libraries compliant with the Material Design guidelines.

Open source under MIT License

✅ Source code of the system has to be publicly available and licensed under the MIT License.